




state social state administrative reform ministries decentralisation local government local kengash khokim local government bodies mahalla public authority


The article presents the content and essence of the reform of gradual decentralization of public administration in our country, as well as various scientific approaches to administrative decentralization, which imply the transfer of powers of public administration bodies to local public authorities, from regional to district (city) public authorities. Moreover, the article shows the necessity and legal basis for the separation of powers between central and local public administration bodies in the process of democratization of public administration. On the basis of the experience of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the United States of America the limits of powers of central and local self-government bodies are analyzed and proposals for the effective organization of the activities of local government bodies are developed.


Author Biography

Khushvakt Khayitov,
Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Head of department , Doctor of Science in Law, Professor

How to Cite

The Division of Tasks and Functions between Central and Local Authorities: The Experiences of Uzbekistan and the United States of America (K. Khayitov , Trans.). (2025). Society and Administration, 1(1), 29-36.


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